Tag Archives: combinations


Just recently came across the python itertools “tools for efficient looping” again. Generators have the advantage of not creating the whole list on definition, but on demand (in contrast to e.g., list comprehensions). Really worth a look:

import itertools as it
g = it.cycle("abc") # a generator
g.next() # a
g.next() # b
g.next() # c
g.next() # a
g.next() # b
# ... and so on

g = it.cycle("abcde")
h = it.cycle("1234")
gh = it.izip(g,h) # iterzips n iterables together
gh.next() # (a,1)
gh.next() # (b,2)
# ... think about what this means with primes
gh.next() # (e,4)
gh.next() # (a,1)
# ...

Also very nice are the combinatoric generators:

it.product('ABCD',  repeat=2) # AA AB AC AD BA BB BC BD
                              # CA CB CC CD DA DB DC DD
it.permutations('ABCD',  2)   # AB AC AD BA BC BD CA CB CD DA DB DC
it.combinations('ABCD',  2)   # AB AC AD BC BD CD
it.combinations_with_replacement('ABCD',  2) # AA AB AC AD BB BC BD CC CD DD